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Thoughts to Ponder, June 5, 2013

  • Posted on June 6, 2013 at 7:25 pm

 “What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?”

George Eliot

 Trust is a word that is loaded with emotion: fear, anger, hope, expectation . . . . Volumes have been written about this subject. What more is there to say? Let’s try anyway and define it.

Trust is –

believing our children will be safe at school.

believing that our spouses will be loyal.

believing that our government will resolve its issues and get on with the process of governing.

believing that we will be able to pay our bills when they are due.

believing that we, our individual selves, have the knowledge and strength to do what needs to be done no matter what else happens.

Did you notice that the list above uses the word believe, not hope? Have you noticed that fear and distrust are synonyms? Trust is a knowing, deep in our souls.

We are taught from a very young age to distrust almost everything: teachers, neighbors, strangers, dogs, dark, insects, government, and other religions. This list could go on for pages. We all know what our fears are. Many of them are valid and should be respected. We can’t change what will happen “out there” so a healthy sense of protecting oneself is vital.

What we don’t know is how to move from fear to trust. This can be a major change in the way we see the world around us, but is often a slow, incremental movement away from fear.

I can recall a time when I told my friends, “I refuse to live in fear.” That statement changed my life. I opened my curtains. I walked around the neighborhood. I went out to local events. These changes took a few months, but it opened the world to me. Eventually, I began taking larger steps into the world of trust, and am still learning that it’s okay to explore the larger world, to take risks.

We can only let go of fears when we begin to trust ourselves to make the right decisions, to do the right thing, to love fully, to feel endless gratitude. If we make what seems to be a mistake, we trust ourselves to resolve the situation. We no longer need someone else to tell us what to do next.

What you choose to trust is up to you. You can trust your Higher Power, your mind, your instinct. It doesn’t matter because all three are the same. All three will protect you or encourage you to move forward.


Spirit, I know that my fears and mistrust are preventing me from living my life to the fullest. They prevent me from being the best person I can be. I turn those thoughts over to You right now, right here. I trust that You will fill me with knowledge, strength and trust in myself. That gift is mine this very instant, because You have promised it in all the holy writings. I trust You to keep your promises. And, so it is.

If you know someone who would appreciate reading “Thoughts to Ponder,” please suggest that he or she contact me at:

Sharon D. Dillon,,

Chesapeake Bay Writers, Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop, Southern Humorists, National Society of Newspaper Columnists

Author of one of 14 stories in The Book of Mom: Reflections of Motherhood with Love, Hope and Faith, published by  Available in print and e-format at

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